Welcome to our Intensive English course. On this page you'll find links to the various files we'll be using inside and outside of class.

 Class 1 (Monday, March 11): Class introduction, US-Japan, Internet Lifestyle 

Class schedule
Introduction worksheet
Groups and topics worksheet

 Japan and North America 

A warmup worksheet on US, Canada, and Japan
Questions about Mr. Brokaw's video

 Digital Life 

I suspect, based on my lifetime of observation, that we humans tend to try to locate our place (or places) in the world. In my case, I belong to the so-called Baby Boomer generation, which includes the millions of people born in the 20 years after World War 2. You, however, have membership in the Internet Generation, those raised with the Internet.

Let's begin with a worksheet on digital devices, a mainstay of our modern world.

Having considered your personal Internet lifestyle, perhaps you noted some positive points. One of the most eloquent advocates of the benefits of the cybersphere is Clay Shirky, who penned an essay in 2010 titled The Internet makes us smarter (Shirky, 2010).

On the other hand, a fair number of people maintain that the Internet is not beneficial, instead causing considerable harm to users. Among those folks is Nicholas Carr, whose 2010 essay asserts that the Internet makes us dumber (Carr, 2010).

A small challenge for you, good people: how about giving up your cell phone and all of your other electronic devices for 90 days? One young man that did is Jake Reilly, featured in this interview and in the video below.

A recent article that expands on thie "dumber" angle is titled Are e-books making us stupid? (McCormack, 2010), which looks closely at what might become of libraries as we move increasingly toward reading e-books instead of paper books.


A warmup worksheet question about symbols.
As you'll notice on this worksheet, tigers are a handy symbol to discuss. Of course, one example from American culture is below:

An interesting website on ancient symbols.

A thought-provoking article by Ann Swidler (1986) titled "Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies." As you'll recall from class, you have some homework related to this article: questions on Swidler (1986).

A symbolic sidelight: Collecting something that all countries have in common. Here is Mr. Simpson's website.

Class notes #1

 Class 2 (Tuesday, March 12): Topic 4, Topic 5, Guns in the US 

Class notes #2

 Topic #4: US Military Bases in Japan 

Feelings of Japanese about (Too) Many US Military Bases
Outdated Military Bases in Japan (webpage)
How Vulnerable Are US Bases in the Pacific Now?" (webpage)
Quite a strong opinion about Okinawa as a Military Colony (webpage)

 Topic #5: Manga 

Manga: New Life to US Comics
America is Drawn to Manga

 Guns in the US 

Just for your information, here's a very informative article about guns in Japan.

A Land Without Guns
Guns Don't Kill People, Gun Culture Does

 Class 3 (Wednesday, March 13): Topic 7, Topic 8 

Class notes #3

 Topic #7: American Music 

Spread of K-pop
Why Does Music Make Us Feel?

 Topic #8: American Food 

Combatting the US' Sugary Diet
Second reading here

 Academic Papers 

As you know from class, I require polite email. Recall, too, that if you send me a file, the filename has a certain form.

Here's an example of the report style that you should use.



 Class 4 (Thursday, March 14): Topic 9, Topic 10 

Class notes #4

 Topic #9: Japanese and American Baseball 

Some seriously old history of Japanese baseball (webpage)

 Topic #10: Creativity 

Creativity Crisis
Origins of Human Creativity (docx)
Origins of Human Creativity (pdf)

 Class 5 (Friday, March 15): Topic 11, Topic 12 

Class notes #5

 Topic #11: Sports 

Snowball fighting in Canada
Wife carrying
Underwater hockey
Sasquatch tracking

 Topic #12: Science in the US 

Dr. Kandel and Memory
Second reading here

 Class 6 (Monday, March 18): Exam, research presentations 

Here are the sample PowerPoint presentations that we looked at in class. Please remember that your presentation needs to include a title slide, a table of contents slide, a Q&A slide, and a "Thank you for your attention" slide.
Art | Family | Food | Crime
Environment | Mass Media
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

 Class Readings  

Stein Family Collection

Prison theater in Italy
Increasing Number of Prisoners in US Prisons

The Uneducated American

The Changing US Family

 Mass Media 
Mind Over Matter
notes #1

Avaaz and Syrian Protest Movement

 Daylight Saving Time 
History of Daylight Saving Time

 Pop Culture 
"Everything is so 5 minutes ago!"

URL: www.jimelwood.net/students/spring_English/spring_2013.html

Date last updated: March 9, 2013 * Copyright 2013 by Midas, Cyrus, and all the other lunatics.