Welcome to Mr. Elwood's Reading course (English 1)

Greetings, everyone, and welcome to Tsukuba University! On this page you'll find the course syllabus, schedule, reference material, worksheets, texts, and even exams (later, of course). Feel free to download and save copies--it's all free in my world.

Your first assignment, as mentioned in class, is to purchase a B5-size notebook. This will be used for

The style and size of notebook is your choice, but it should have at least 30 pages.

First, students of mine, please make sure you ASK if you don't understand or need help... I'd like you to ask correctly and politely, so here's the Help Phrases paper you received in class.

As you now know, one important part of our class is Extensive Reading (ER). You might well be asking, "What is ER?"

Moreover, if you're after lots of information on ER, take a wander through the ER homepage.

** In addition to the paper books in class, you can (and may) read e-books here:  click here for the Richmond Publishing readers. There are 12 stories in PDF format (you'll see "Oscar"), so your computer will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read them. Just single-click the image and the PDF will open. You may either read them on your computer screen or make a paper copy--your choice. **

To read PDF, you need Acrobat Reader if it's not on your computer (it's free). Just click here to visit the Acrobat website. 

More reading--some of the "classics"

These are PDF files provided courtesy of Ria Press, and they are 100% free--enjoy, everyone!


Henry David Thoreau, Walden 


Rudyard Kipling, Captains Courageous  


Jules Verne, Around the World in 80 Days

Jules Verne, 20000 Leagues under the Sea


Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island


Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, or "The Parish Boy's Progress"


Jack London, South Sea Tales


Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness


Joshua Slocum, The Voyage of the Liberdade

(photo) Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain, Innocents Abroad


Hereafter you'll find the texts and worksheets from class...

April, 2010: Snoopy text and the Snoopy worksheet

May, 2010: Extinction text and the Extinction worksheet

May, 2010: Christmas Day in the Morning (this will open in a new window)

October, 2010: Here's is our story from class (The Day the Sun Came Out). This will open in a new window, and you'll find the story with pictures as well as links to all of the handouts from class. Enjoy!

December, 2009: excerpts from A River Runs Through It (this will open in a new window)

January, 2010:  The Emperor's New Clothes ... the text and worksheet #1   

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Date updated: 2009/04/13

Copyright 2013 by Midas, Cyrus, No-Name, and all the other lunatics