Excerpts fromA River Runs Through Itby Norman MacLean |
A page on Norman MacLean Western Literature, courtesy of Professor Catherine Lavender
Note: this is presented courtesy of The University of Chicago Press. See the copyright notice at the bottom of this page.
In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing. We lived at the junction of great trout rivers in western Montana, and our father was a Presbyterian minister and a fly fisherman who tied his own flies and taught others. He told us about Christ's disciples being fishermen, and we were left to assume, as my brother and I did, that all first-class fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fishermen and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman.
It is true that one day a week was given over wholly to religion. On Sunday mornings my brother, Paul, and I went to Sunday school and then to "morning services" to hear our father preach and in the evenings to Christian Endeavor and afterwards to "evening services" to hear our father preach again. In between on Sunday afternoons we had to study The Westminster Shorter Catechism for an hour and then recite before we could walk the hills with him while he unwound between services. But he never asked us more than the first question in the catechism, "What is the chief end of man?" And we answered together so one of us could carry on if the other forgot, "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever." This always seemed to satisfy him, as indeed such a beautiful answer should have, and besides he was anxious to be on the hills where he could restore his soul and be filled again to overflowing for the evening sermon. His chief way of recharging himself was to recite to us from the sermon that was coming, enriched here and there with selections from the most successful passages of his morning sermon.
Even so, in a typical week of our childhood Paul and I probably received as many hours of instruction in fly fishing as we did in all other spiritual matters.
After my brother and I became good fishermen, we realized that our father was not a great fly caster, but he was accurate and stylish and wore a glove on his casting hand. As he buttoned his glove in preparation to giving us a lesson, he would say, "It is an art that is performed on a four-count rhythm between ten and two o'clock."
As a Scot and a Presbyterian, my father believed that man by nature was a mess and had fallen from an original state of grace. Somehow, I early developed the notion that he had done this by falling from a tree. As for my father, I never knew whether he believed God was a mathematician but he certainly believed God could count and that only by picking up God's rhythms were we able to regain power and beauty. Unlike many Presbyterians, he often used the word "beautiful."
After he buttoned his glove, he would hold his rod straight out in front of him, where it trembled with the beating of his heart. Although it was eight and a half feet long, it weighed only four and a half ounces. It was made of split bamboo cane from the far-off Bay of Tonkin . It was wrapped with red and blue silk thread, and the wrappings were carefully spaced to make the delicate rod powerful but not so stiff it could not tremble.
Always it was to be called a rod. If someone called it
a pole, my father looked at him as a sergeant in the United States Marines
would look at a
who had just called a rifle a gun.
My brother and I would have preferred to start learning how to fish by going out and catching a few, omitting entirely anything difficult or technical in the way of preparation that would take away from the fun. But it wasn't by way of fun that we were introduced to our father's art. If our father had had his say, nobody who did not know how to fish would be allowed to disgrace a fish by catching him. So you too will have to approach the art Marine and Presbyterian-style, and, if you have never picked up a fly rod before, you will soon find it factually and theologically true that man by nature is a damn mess. The four-and-a-half-ounce thing in silk wrappings that trembles with the underskin motions of the flesh becomes a stick without brains, refusing anything simple that is wanted of it. All that a rod has to do is lift the line, the leader, and the fly off the water, give them a good toss over the head, and then shoot them forward so they will land in the water without a splash in the following order: fly, transparent leader, and then the line—otherwise the fish will see the fly is a fake and be gone. Of course, there are special casts that anyone could predict would be difficult, and they require artistry—casts where the line can't go over the fisherman's head because cliffs or trees are immediately behind, sideways casts to get the fly under overhanging willows, and so on. But what's remarkable about just a straight cast—just picking up a rod with a line on it and tossing the line across the river?
Well, until man is redeemed he will always take a fly rod too far back, just as natural man always overswings with an ax or golf club and loses all his power somewhere in the air: only with a rod it's worse, because the fly often comes so far back it gets caught behind in a bush or rock. When my father said it was an art that ended at two o'clock, he often added, "closer to ten than to two," meaning that the rod should be taken back only slightly farther than overhead (straight overhead being twelve o'clock).
Then, since it is natural for man to try to attain power without recovering grace, he whips the line back and forth making it whistle each way, and sometimes even snapping off the fly from the leader, but the power that was going to transport the little fly across the river somehow gets diverted into building a bird's nest of line, leader, and fly that falls out of the air into the water about ten feet in front of the fisherman. If, though, he pictures the round trip of the line, transparent leader, and fly from the time they leave the water until their return, they are easier to cast. They naturally come off the water heavy line first and in front, and light transparent leader and fly trailing behind. But, as they pass overhead, they have to have a little beat of time so the light, transparent leader and fly can catch up to the heavy line now starting forward and again fall behind it; otherwise, the line starting on its return trip will collide with the leader and fly still on their way up, and the mess will be the bird's nest that splashes into the water ten feet in front of the fisherman.
Almost the moment, however, that the forward order of line, leader, and fly is reestablished, it has to be reversed, because the fly and transparent leader must be ahead of the heavy line when they settle on the water. If what the fish sees is highly visible line, what the fisherman will see are departing black darts, and he might as well start for the next hole. High overhead, then, on the forward cast (at about ten o'clock) the fisherman checks again.
The four-count rhythm, of course, is functional. The one count takes the line, leader, and fly off the water; the two count tosses them seemingly straight into the sky; the three count was my father's way of saying that at the top the leader and fly have to be given a little beat of time to get behind the line as it is starting forward; the four count means put on the power and throw the line into the rod until you reach ten o'clock—then check-cast, let the fly and leader get ahead of the line, and coast to a soft and perfect landing. Power comes not from power everywhere, but from knowing where to put it on. "Remember," as my father kept saying, "it is an art that is performed on a four-count rhythm between ten and two o'clock."
My father was very sure about certain matters pertaining to the universe. To him, all good things—trout as well as eternal salvation —come by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy.
So my brother and I learned to cast Presbyterian-style, on a metronome. It was mother's metronome, which father had taken from the top of the piano in town. She would occasionally peer down to the dock from the front porch of the cabin, wondering nervously whether her metronome could float if it had to. When she became so overwrought that she thumped down the dock to reclaim it, my father would clap out the four-count rhythm with his cupped hands.
Eventually, he introduced us to literature on the subject. He tried always to say something stylish as he buttoned the glove on his casting hand. "Izaak Walton," he told us when my brother was thirteen or fourteen, "is not a respectable writer. He was an Episcopalian and a bait fisherman." Although Paul was three years younger than I was, he was already far ahead of me in anything relating to fishing and it was he who first found a copy of The Compleat Angler and reported back to me, "The bastard doesn't even know how to spell 'complete.' Besides, he has songs to sing to dairymaids." I borrowed his copy, and reported back to him, "Some of those songs are pretty good." He said, "Whoever saw a dairymaid on the Big Blackfoot River?"
"I would like," he said, "to get him for a day's fishing on the Big Blackfoot—with a bet on the side."
The boy was very angry, and there has never been a doubt in my mind that the boy would have taken the Episcopalian money.
When you are in your teens—maybe throughout your life—being three years older than your brother often makes you feel he is a boy. However, I knew already that he was going to be a master with a rod. He had those extra things besides fine training—genius, luck, and plenty of self-confidence. Even at this age he liked to bet on himself against anybody who would fish with him, including me, his older brother. It was sometimes funny and sometimes not so funny, to see a boy always wanting to bet on himself and almost sure to win. Although I was three years older, I did not yet feel old enough to bet. Betting, I assumed, was for men who wore straw hats on the backs of their heads. So I was confused and embarrassed the first couple of times he asked me if I didn't want "a small bet on the side just to make things interesting." The third time he asked me must have made me angry because he never again spoke to me about money, not even about borrowing a few dollars when he was having real money problems.
We had to be very careful in dealing with each other. I often thought of him as a boy, but I never could treat him that way. He was never "my kid brother." He was a master of an art. He did not want any big brother advice or money or help, and, in the end, I could not help him.
(the following section consists of excerpts from later in the story)
Undoubtedly, our differences would not have seemed so
great if we had not been such a close family. Painted on one side of our
Sunday school wall were the words, God Is Love. We always assumed that these
three words were spoken directly to the four of us in our family and had no
reference to the world outside, which my brother and I soon discovered was
full of bastards, the number increasing rapidly the farther one gets from
Missoula, Montana.
We held in common one major theory about
street-fighting—if it looks like a fight is coming, get in the first
punch. We both thought that most bastards aren't so tough as they
talk—even bastards who look as well as talk tough. If suddenly they
feel a few teeth loose, they will rub their rubs, look at the blood on their
hands, and offer to buy a drink for the house. "But even if they still
feel like fighting," as my brother said, "you are one big punch
ahead when the fight starts." There is just one trouble with this
theory—it is only statistically true. Every once in a while you run
into some guy who likes to fight as much as you do and is better at it. If
you start off by loosening a few of his teeth he may try to kill you.
Paul had decided early that he had two purposes in
life: to fish and not to work, or at least to not allow work to stop his
fishing. When it came to choosing a
profession, he became a reporter. On a
Montana paper, which gave him lots of time to pursue his real work, fishing.
My brother and his editor wrote most of the
paper. The editor was one of the last small-town editors in the classic
school of personal
invective. He started drinking early in the morning so he
wouldnft feel sorry for anyone during the day and he and my brother
admired each other greatly. The rest of the town feared them, especially
because they wrote well, and in a
world both of them needed to be
loved by their families and they were.
"I would like,h Paul said, gto get him for a dayfs fishing on the Big
Blackfoot—with a bet on the side.h
When you are in your teens—maybe throughout your
life—being three years older than your brother often makes you feel he
is a boy. However, I knew already that he was going to be a master with a
rod. He had those extra things besides fine training—genius, luck, and
plenty of self-confidence. Even at this age he liked to bet on himself
against anybody who would fish with including me, his older brother. It was
sometimes funny and sometimes not so funny, to see a boy always wanting to
bet on himself and almost sure to win. Although I was three years older, I
did not yet feel old enough to bet. Betting, I assumed, was for men who wore
straw hats on the backs of their heads. So I was confused and embarrassed
the first couple of times he asked me if I didnft want a small bet on the
side just to make things interesting.h The third time he asked me must
have made me angry because he never again spoke to me about money, not even
about borrowing a few dollars when has having real money problems.
By the time he was in his early twenties he was in the
big stud poker games.
Below him was the multitudinous river, and, where the
rock had parted it around him, big-grained vapor rose. The mini-molecules of
water left in the wake of his line made momentary loops of
disappearing so rapidly in the rising big-grained vapor that they had to be
retained in memory to be visualized as loops. The spray emanating from him
was finer-grained still and enclosed him in a halo of himself. The halo of
himself was always there and always disappearing, as if he were candlelight
flickering about three inches from himself. The images of himself and his
line kept disappearing into the rising vapors of the river, which
continually circles to the tops of the cliffs where, after becoming a wreath
in the wind, they became rays of the sun.
It is a strange and wonderful and embarrassing feeling
to hold someone in your arms who is trying to
you from the earth and
you aren't good enough to follow her.
One reason Paul caught more fish than anyone else was
that he had his flies in the water more than anyone else.
"Brother," he would say, "there are no flying fish in
Montana. Out here, you can't catch fish with your flies in the air."
Something within fishermen tries to make fishing into a
world perfect and apart—I don't know what it is or where, because
sometimes it is in my arms and sometimes in my throat and sometimes nowhere
in particular except somewhere deep. Many of us probably would be better
fishermen if we did not spend so much time watching and waiting for the
world to become perfect.
I called her Mo-nah-se-tah, the name of the beautiful
daughter of the Cheyenne chief, Little Rock. At first, she didn't
particularly care for the name, which means, "the young grass that
shoots in the spring", but after I explained to her that Mo-nah-se-tah
was supposed to have had an illegitimate son by General George Armstrong
Custer she took to the name like a duck to water.
The hardest thing usually to leave behind can loosely
be called the conscience.
One of life's quiet excitements is to stand somewhat
apart from yourself and watch yourself softly becoming the author of
something beautiful, even if it is only a floating ash.
Poets talk about "spots of time," but it is
really fishermen who experience eternity compressed into a moment. No one
can tell what a spot of time is until suddenly the whole world is a fish and
the fish is gone. I shall remember that son of a bitch forever.
Although the Elkhorn (a small river) was our favorite small stream, Paul
said, after paying for our second drink at 10:30 in the morning, "I
don't have to work until tomorrow evening, so why donft we take the day
off and go fish the big river?" Paul and I both knew that "the big
river" referred to the Big Blackfoot, which was the most powerful river we
fished—and so were its fish.
I sat there and forgot and forgot, until what remained
was the river that went by and I who watched. On the river the heat
danced with each other and then they danced through each other and then they
joined hands and danced around each other. Eventually the watcher joined the
river, and there was only one of us. I believe it was the river.
As the heat mirages on the river in front of me danced with and through each other, I could feel patterns from my own life joining with them. It was here, while waiting for my brother, that I started this story, although, of course, at the time I did not know that stories of life are often more like rivers than books. But I knew a story had begun, perhaps long ago near the sound of water. And I sensed that ahead I would meet something that would never erode so there would be a sharp turn, deep circles, a deposit, and quietness.
(when Jessie's brother, Neil, is visiting from
I said, "I know he doesn't like to fish. He just
likes to tell women he likes to fish. It does something for him and the
women. And for the fish too," I added.
"It makes them all feel better."
You have never really seen an ass until you have seen
two sunburned asses on a sandbar in the middle of a river. Nearly all the
rest of the body seems to have evaporated. The body is a large red ass about
to blister, with hair on one end of it for a head and feet attached to the
other end for legs. By tonight, it will run a fever.
"Shefs got a tattoo on her ass,h I told him.
"No kidding,h he said. gWell, she has LO tattooed on one cheek
of her ass and VE on the other.h
I told him, gLOVE spells love, with a hash-mark between.h
"I'll be damned.h Paul said.
Two or three more times Paul worked the fish close to
shore, only to have him swirl and return to the deep, but even at that
distance my father and I could feel the
of the underwater power. The
rod went high in the air, and the man moved backwards swiftly but evenly,
motions which when translated into events meant the fish had tried to rest
for a moment on top of the water and the man had quickly raised the rod high
and skidded him to shore before the fish thought of getting under water
again. He skidded him across the rocks clear back to a sandbar before the
shocked fish gasped and discovered he could not live in oxygen. In belated
despair, he rose in the sand and
the rest of momentary life dancing
the Dance of Death on his tail.
This was the last fish we were ever to see Paul catch.
My father and I talked about this moment several times later, and whatever
our other feelings, we always felt it fitting that, when we saw him catch
his last fish, we never saw the fish but only the artistry of the fisherman.
"Just give me three more years," Paul said, gand
Ifll be able to think like a fish.h
A river, though, has so many things to sayc I
realized that the river somewhere, sometime, must have told me, too, that he
would receive no such gift. When the police officer awakened me before
daybreak, I rose and asked no questions. Later I would tell my father and
mother that my brother had been beaten to death by the butt of a
and his body dumped in an alley.
Eventually, all things
into one, and a river runs
through it. The river was cut by the worldfs great flood and runs over
rocks from the basement of time. On
some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and
some of the words are theirs.
I am haunted by waters.
Retrieved November 27, 2008, from http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/500667.html
Copyright notice: Excerpted from pages 1-6 of A
River Runs Through It, and Other Stories by Norman Maclean, published by
the University of Chicago Press. ©1976 by the University of Chicago.
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The text for A River Runs Through It (Word doc)
Last updated: 2008/12/17
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