Welcome to Integrated Writing for the TOEFL iBT. In addition to the textbook, we will be using some extra material from my writing classes. Of course, the material on my webpage is free, so feel free to download and use anything you'd like.

Day by Day

Monday, Day 1: Q Format & Scoring / Mechanics

Question format, scoring

Transitions (pp. 223ff)

Synonyms & pronouns (pp. 226-227)

Parallel structure (228-231)

Punctuation (pp. 232-233) | Cyrus punctuation practice

Tuesday, Day 2: Main Idea & Support / Presenting Information

Main ideas (pp. 196-200) | Audioscript (main ideas)

Presenting info (pp. 201-202)

Wednesday, Day 3: Intro & Topic Sentences / Summarizing

Introductions (pp. 202-203)

Worksheet - and, but, so

Summarizing (pp. 209-212)

A couple worksheets from my writing classes ...

Concluding paragraph | Concluding paragraph

Thursday, Day 4: Citing & Paraphrasing / Revising

Citing & paraphrasing (pp. 210-212)

Revising (pp. 234-245)


From the ETS people, this is a very clear and informative video.

Helpful videos from iTutor

From Renshaw @ www.English-iTutor.com

Following is a series of videos - not professionally produced, but some helpful advice nevertheless!

TOEFL Writing Test - Introduction and General Tips

TOEFL Writing Part 1 Integrated Task - Tutorial 1a

TOEFL Writing Part 1 Integrated Task - Tutorial 1b

Extra Practice Material

Usage worksheet - saseru

Usage worksheet - mitomeru

Usage worksheet - miru

Article examples

Sea of Japan snow(article worksheet)

Japanese violinist (article worksheet)

Although it's beyond the scope of our TOEFL course, allow me a word on citing: I find it helpful to cite sources clearly, and for me the best style is APA. Here are some worksheets I use in my writing courses:

APA references (part 1) | APA references (part 2)

URL: www.jimelwood.net/students/tokiwa/tokiwa_toefl.html * Date last updated: March 23, 2012 * Copyright 2012 by Midas, Cyrus, and all the other lunatics.