Speaking (English VI)

Mr. Elwood

Greetings and welcome to Tokiwa University! I look forward to time together, and rest assured that you will be a better speaker when we have finished. Below you'll find material that we'll use throughout the year--in class I will explain, but you may explore as you'd like.


From Mr. Elwood

(April 12th) In this space, I will post updates, information, and such...keep an eye on it, please.

As I explained in class, our purpose is for you to improve your English, and I'd like you to participate and do so very much. Very simply, come to class and speak--mistakes are both OK and important. 

(April 22) My apologies for being late, everyone. Here are the education files for this Friday's class. See you then, and enjoy the nice weather! 

* Questions to ponder

* MEXT and education reform

* Elementary English mandatory

* Reluctant teachers

May 16 Here we go... dreams will be our next topic, everyone. 

These files are based on a very important influence in my own life. 

Dreams worksheet

Water on Mars (just for reference--you don't need to print this) 

As many of you certainly are aware, the word "dreams" owes much to a seminal event 45 years ago. Here is the text of Martin Luther King's speech on August 28, 1963.  

On May 23rd, we'll be talking some about the upcoming election in the US, so please visit the websites of the three remaining candidates (I'm assuming Hillary will still be in the race on the 21st!).

Obama  |  Hillary  |  McCain


Handouts from class on June 20th and 27th

Butter discussion worksheet  |  Japan butter meltdown  |  emergency cost


Homework for class on July, 4th (from Mr. Hasegawa and Mr. Akutsu). Please download this, make a copy, and complete it for class on the 4th.

Shinsen-gumi worksheet

For future comments, etc. 


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Last updated: 2008/06/29

Copyright 2011 by Cyrus, Midas, No-Name and all the other lunatics.