This webpage features the newspapers and newsletters created by students in the respective language programs at the Meiji Language Program's Summer Intensive Language Seminars in English, French, German, Chinese, and (from 2023) Korean. We invite you to browse and enjoy the newspapers, both current and past.
In addition to the fine articles that the students write, we'd like to direct your attention
to the interviews in the most recent issues. Meiji University has a long list of alumni, among
which are many famous (and not-so-famous!) people, of course. We have been fortunate over the
last several interviews to have spoken with some of those famous individuals, who have very
kindly offered their time and thoughts. We thank them for their time and consideration—please
The QR code to the right will take you to this webpage—feel free to share it with your friends and family! As will be readily apparent, this page is an ongoing project, so we urge you to revisit us occasionally and have a look at the latest additions. Thank you!