Welcome to Communication Skill II, everyone. This is an integrated-skills offering in which students will engage in and with the four basic skills of language acquisition. Using a series of topics from our textbook, we will explore various modes of expression, including oral presentations and debate. This course will focus on language useful in university contexts. This is a 15-week course offered by the Department of Literature during Spring, 2021.

The principal focus of this course is on enhancing English that students can and hopefully will use in university contexts. In addition to some reading, writing, and listening, this course will include many speaking opportunities, in which students are expected to actively engage.

Class material will be provided by the instructor and will also be available online. Students are encouraged to bring any electronic devices they feel might be helpful, including by not limited to e-dictionaries, smart phones, and personal computers.

Should you so desire, here is our syllabus.

 Week 1 (April 12, 2021) — Class introduction; Word Bank 

Good day, everyone, and thank you for enrolling in this course. We will endeavor, as you certainly know, to expand your knowledge of skills necessary to function in English both in your university context(s) and in the wider world.

Obviously, one important facet of functioning in any language is sufficient vocabulary knowledge. In our class you will encounter some new lexis (i.e., vocabulary), and I expect you to make a concerted, systematic effort to acquire those new words and phrases. More specifically, I expect you to make an online vocabulary page using Google Drive; all students are required to do so, and you will add at least five new words or phrases each and every week.


 Week 2 (May 19, 2021) — Speaking and Listening Basics; FlipGrid 

Today we will begin with time for taking care of any problems with our class Word Bank. In addition, I will explain the AWL column and the synonym column, both of which you have certainly been wondering about. You will find the actual Academic Word List to be quite helpful—let's have a look.

Our second task is to become familiar with FlipGrid, which is a video-sharing app.

Today we will be talking some about English and your experiences with English.

 Homework & Class Material: 

  • ✓ Make and post a video using FlipGrid about a current news topic. The topic is up to you, and I would like you to provide (a) the news story, (b) some background, and (c) the reason you chose that story. Your video should be 2-3 minutes long. The join code will be provided in class.
  • ✓ Add five words to the class Word Bank.

 Week 3 (April 26, 2021) — Culture: Fish Release in Vietnam 

How is the new year welcomed in Japan? What traditions do you find particularly noteworthy?

I'd also like to introduce reaction reports. These are short reports about the reading in a particular class in which you react to the reading. This term I would like to have six reaction reports, of which three will be written and three will be oral (using FlipGrid, please).

Written reaction reports will be handed in using this File Request (Comm Skills File Request), please. Oral reaction reports will be handed in via FlipGrid, of course.

 Homework & Class Material: 

Reminder: next Monday, May 3, is a holiday.

 Week 4 (May 10, 2021) — Environment: Living without Plastic? 

Today, Gentle Students, we will begin with a short exercise to point out the extent of our use of plastic in our everyday lives. Below I've included a page from National Geographic with many articles about plastic and plastic pollution.

 Homework & Class Material: 

 Week 5 (May 17, 2021) — Science: Underwater Cities; Quiz #1 

In this class we will venture into the world of science with a story about whether humans could like in underwater cities.

Later today we will enjoy our first quiz, which will cover class basics and material from Weeks 3 and 4. As we will see in class, our quizzes will be administered using Google Forms. Note: the quiz will be posted about 3:00 this afternoon, and you need to take the quiz by midnight today.

 Class Material & Homework: 

 Week 6 (May 24, 2021) — Discussion 

Today we will engage in a class discussion and presentation session on plastics. Your job will be to work with your group (3-4 people) to learn more about a specific point regarding plastics and then present that to the class. First, you will need to consider the possible topics and ask Dr. Elwood for one.

 Class Material & Homework: 

 Week 7 (May 31, 2021) — Culture: Buried Ship on an English Estate; Presentation Basics (1) 

Today, my minions, we will be enjoying presentations about microplastics.

 Class Material & Homework: 

 Week 8 (June 7, 2021) — Education: Outdoor Education 

Good day, everyone. Today we will be talking a bit more about presentation basics.

To the right you see the logo for Outward Bound, a program which provides outdoor learning experiences for people of all ages.

 Week 9 (June 14, 2021) — Education: Reading on a Screen vs. Reading on Paper 

Today I'd like to remind you good people about your Reaction Reports. You need to submit six reports this term; three will be written and three will be oral. Each written report should be 100-150 words and should be submitted using this File Request (Comm Skills Reaction Reports), please.

Each oral report should be 2-5 minutes long and submitted using Flipgrid. The topic code will be provided by email.

In the latter half of today's class we will begin reading about the issue of reading on paper vs. reading on a screen, which is, of course, crucial with our modern use of digital devices as well as the current necessity of online learning.

Class Material & Homework:

Weeks 10 (June 21, 2021) —  Paper vs. Screen; Presentations; Editorial Letter 

Next week, my Good People, we will be enjoying student presentations. As you recall, your presentation will be about (a) one of our topics, or (b) a related topic. Yes, I would like you to use PowerPoint for your presentation (3-5 minutes).

Your second task is to write an editorial letter to someone about one of our topics so far. First, please base your letter on this format (also here as a PDF). You will submit your editorial letter using this File Request (Editorial Letter).

Class Material & Homework:

Week 11 (June 28, 2021) —  Food: Eating Pond Scum 

Thank you for your editorial letters, about which I'll provide some feedback soon.

Today we will begin with student presentations. Please remember the advice that I provided in the presentation video.

Reaction reports: Remember that you need to submit a total of six (6) reaction reports this term. Three will be written and submitted using this this File Request (Comm Skills Reaction Reports). The two QR codes will take you to Flipgrid, where you'll record your oral reaction reports. For students in my 2nd-period class, use the LEFT QR code or this Join Code (e0f2f34a), and my 3rd-period students should use the RIGHT QR code or this Join Code (d6645d79).

Class Material & Homework:

 Week 13 (July 12, 2021) — Science: Transportation of the Future 

Science is our focus today, people, and it's an important issue. We have for most of the last 100 years depended very heavily on the automobile in its many forms, but our supply of fossil fuel is limited. Moreover, with global warming we simply can't continue on this road much longer, so we will need to explore and utilize other forms of transportation.

Class Material:

 Week 14 (July 19, 2021) —  Economics: Microlending 

Good day, everyone, and I hope you're enjoying the warmer weather. Today we will venture into an economics topic, microlending. You might recall that this attracted considerable attention a few years ago and even resulted in a strong proponent, Muhammad Yunus, receiving a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.

Your homework this week will be to both read the article below and to check on microlending (also known as microfinance). Here is a helpful webpage from the IMF that explains the basic principles of microfinance.

Class Material:

 Week 15 (July 26, 2021) — Final Evaluation (Group Consultation with Dr. Elwood) 

Groups of about five students will meet with me for 15 minutes. Each person will speak for 2-3 minutes; please prepare a question for me as well. You only need to come to class at your assigned time.

Second, you will need to complete the final exam for our spring term. Inasmuch as we're still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the exam will be completely online; you will click on this link, which will be available from 5:00pm on July 26. Please finish the exam by midnight on Wednesday, July 28.

Note that it is your responsibility to be familiar with the items below. Not having read them is NOT an excuse.

 Grading Criteria: 

  • ✓ Word Bank (10%)
  • ✓ Reaction reports (20%): 3 written, 3 oral
  • ✓ Quizzes (20%)
  • ✓ Presentation (20%)
  • ✓ Term exam and consultation (25%)
  • ✓ Classroom performance & participation (5%)

 General Requirements: 

  • ✓ Regular attendance
  • ✓ Assignments on time
  • ✓ Active participation in classroom activities


  • ✓ Homework should be submitted on time. For each session that homework is late, 10% will be deducted from the grade (i.e., one class late = 10% deduction, two classes late = 20% deduction, and so forth.
  • ✓ Homework should be completed on time and conscientiously. I expect you to spend at least 30 minutes on homework for each class.


  • ✓ Four or more absences = no grade for this course
  • ✓ Two times late = one absence
  • ✓ Active participation in classroom activities
  • ✓ Unexcused absences: 1 time = OK; 2 times = -5 points; 3 times = -10 points; 4 times or more = fail course
  • ✓ Playing with your cell phone in class = absence
  • ✓ Sleeping in class = absence
  • ✓ Arriving after class begins = late (of course)
  • ✓ Arriving more than 20 minutes late = absence
  • ✓ Train delays, etc. = no problem :-)

URL: www.jimelwood.net/students2/tsurumi/TsurumiCommSkill2spring/TsurumiCommSkill2spring.html

The logo was created on Cool Text.

Date last updated: July 26, 2021 * Copyright 2021 by JE