Welcome to English and Crosscultural Understanding! The purpose of this course is for students to improve both their English skills and their knowledge of American culture. To achieve these aims, students will address a number of topics based somewhat loosely on the movie Forrest Gump. Specifically, students will (a) think creatively and analytically about cultural issues, (b) deepen their knowledge and understanding of other cultures (primarily the potpourri of American culture), and (c) promote communication fluency by interacting with classmates in group discussions.

the Nature of Identity, Groups, and Culture

the Name Unit

"What's in a name?"

October 7, 2011 - Today we'll look more at groups, which can be conceptualized as small communities. Here is an article by Adrian Holliday (1999) on "small culture."

Our class worksheet on stereotypes.

the Treatment of Others Unit

As we noted in class, the US has a very checkered historical track record when it comes to the treatment of certain groups. Here are the videos from class:

Some extra reading for the ambitious ones: on collective memory and the KKK (Lewis & Serbu, 2008).

the Build-a-Country Unit

Here is the country worksheet from class.

Meta-state organizations ... the United Nations website.

the Symbols Unit

A warmup question for everyone: in your native country, what do tigers symbolize? What are some examples? Of course, one example from American culture is below:

An interesting website on ancient symbols.

A thought-provoking article by Ann Swidler (1986) titled "Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies." As you'll recall from class, you have some homework related to this article: questions on Swidler (1986).

A symbolic sidelight: Collecting something that all countries have in common. Here is Mr. Simpson's website.

the Conscription Sub-Unit

Service to one's country: Is required service necessary? Good?

As you'll recall from class, your homework will be about one of the following papers:

Norman, F. (1943). History of conscription in Japan

Zohar, N. J. (1993). Collective war and individualistic ethics

Jehn, C., & Selden, Z. (1999). End of conscription in Europe?

Ichikawa, H. (2001). Conscription in Japan and Europe

Perri, A. (2008). End of conscription in Europe?

Conscientious objectors ...

the Growing Pains Unit

The American Civil War: Aftermath & Legacy

The Vietnam War

Stateless War

the Leadership Unit

Text here

the "Post" Unit

Text here

the Next Unit

Text here


URL: www.jimelwood.net/crosscultural/crosscultural.html

Date last updated: October 20, 2011 * Copyright 2012 by Midas, Cyrus, and all the other lunatics.