Welcome, students of mine! Welcome to Advanced English 3 (TOEFL Preparation). This is Roosevelt, my faithful and salmon-loving bear. He has a nose for things (quite a large one) and doesn't have any relationship whatsoever to this class. However, he's a cute bear.   

First, a comment from Mr. Elwood: 

Welcome, everyone, to my TOEFL preparation class. Your responsibilities, as we mentioned in class, include the following:

* Attend class, be awake, participate, and have fun.

* Write weekly in your notebook (thus, you will need a B5-size notebook). 

* Work on your TOEFL preparation outside of class, too--once a week in our class is really not enough!

The parts of our class 

Vocabulary notebooks | Reading | Listening | Speaking | Writing | Strategies | Home

Vocabulary notebooks

The purpose of your vocabulary notebook is for you to systematically record not only new words, but also to learn those new words well. Vocabulary knowledge comes with lots of practice, and in our class you will probably encounter many new words. I would like 5 words per class, so 5 words X 15 classes = 75 words in your notebook. The words you write should be from our class, but I will give extra credit for words from outside our class (you might make two sections).  

Your vocabulary words should use this format (the handout from Class #1), and here are some examples

In addition, please use your notebook for notes from our class. I will check these at least a couple times. 










A bit 


Practice tests 

Mini-test 1: test / listening script and answers 

Mini-test 2: test / listening script and answers

Mini-test 3: test / listening script and answers

Mini-test 4: test / listening script and answers


Last updated: 2009/04/09
URL: http://www.jimelwood.net/students/tokiwa/toeflprep/tokiwa_toeflprep.html

Copyright 2011 by Cyrus, Midas, Roosevelt and all the other lunatics.

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Extra Material


Just later.

Additional links, just for fun...

Daryl Cagle's political cartoonists index

David Horsey (Seattle P-I)