Welcome to Integrated English! This course is primarily for 2nd-year students in the medical school. Our aim is for students to improve their speaking proficiency through discussions and other speaking activities.
On this page, the lefthand column is reference material. The righthand column is where I'll post weekly files, information, and comments.
the First Term
the Opinions Unit: English education in Japanese elementary schools
the English ed warmup questions
Q & A on elementary English (from 2010) | pdf here
A 2005 newspaper article on
mandatory English education |
pdf here
A 2004 newspaper article on
reluctant teachers | pdf here
A research article on the effectiveness of English education
in elementary school (by a colleague of Dr. Elwood!)
An earthy yet interesting opinion
by a native speaker of English | pdf here
Coming soon!
(1) You'll first visit this webpage
from The Economist. You will then ...
(2) read this short article and comment one or more points (e.g., the toilets
or the pachinko parlors).
Next, you will ...
(3) find two related websites and write about them, too.
Thus, you should hand in ...
* a 1-page paper (one entire page)...
* sent as an attachment (with a proper filename)...
* to a polite e-mail...
* by next Wednesday, June 29.
the Dreams Unit - As I mentioned in class, we'll be talking some
about dreams. These files are bsed on a very important influence in my own life.
Final homework assignment - As I mentioned in class, your final homework
assignment this term has several parts.
the Second Term
the Third Term