Lady T

Missing Person Report

Filed by Assistant Police Chief Poirot

Time: late afternoon, last Wednesday

Place: Twigglesworth Mansion, TOA

Incident: missing person report

Details: phone call from butler, Henry James. Lady T had gone shopping in the afternoon and had failed to return home as planned. Driver Nuvallo had dropped her off at the corner of Main Street and 7th Avenue about 2:15, after which Nuvallo returned to the Twigglesworth Mansion. Businesses located nearby include Bertha's Goodies (operated by Lady T's close friend, Bertha Nelson), the MacIntosh Pet Shop, Waldo's World of Classic Cars, and the Icecube Emporium of Antarctic Cuisine. O'Mason (now on vacation) visited each business to check if anything suspicious had been seen.

ü      Lady T did not have tea as planned with Bertha Nelson.

ü      Both Waldo and Opus (of the Icecube Emporium) reported having seen a stranger nearby about the time Lady T was last seen.

ü      Lady T's cell phone was found near the fire hydrant on the northwest corner, in front of the MacIntosh Pet Shop. No calls or mail were listed for Wednesday, although there were many on the previous day.

O'Mason returned telephone call to Twigglesworth Mansion at 9:15; spoke with the butler and reported preliminary results of investigation.

Poirot is of the opinion that the many phone calls and messages may have some clue to Lady T's disappearance, but those will take time to check

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Last updated: 2009/01/08

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