Your speechc

gThank you!h

gThatfs all.h


OK, your group just finished your speechcnext you need to check for questionsc

Do you have any questions?


Are there any questions?


At this time, Ifd like to answer any questions you have.

Thencgesture slowly to the personcand say,



In back. / In front. / c

Thencanswering the questionc

1.          Repeat the question (gIs Mr. Bush an idiot?h) so everyone can hear it!

The question was, gIs Mr. Bush an idiot?h


gIs Mr. Bush an idiot?h

2.          If you need time to think, just say, gJust a moment, please.h

3.          Repeat the question one more time, then answer it.

4.          If you donft know the answer, say, gIfm sorry, but I/we donft know. However, we would be happy to check on it and get back to you.h)

Thenccheck for more questionsc

gAre there any more questions?h (pausecmaybe 5-10 secondscif there is another question, go to #1 again)


gThank you!h

gThatfs all.h



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