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Below you will find the past issues of the OTB Forum. Entire issues and individual articles are available as pdf files. In addition, you'll find audio and video files with certain articles; just click the triangle to listen.

ISSN: 1883-7409 (print)
ISBN: 1884-0183 (on-line)


Volume 8, Issue 1 (in press)


Volume 7, Issue 1 (in press)


Volume 6, Issue 1 (pdf, 1.56MB)


Volume 5, Issue 1 (pdf, 1.73MB)


Volume 4, Issue 1 (pdf, 1.77MB)


Volume 3, Issue 1 (pdf, 1.77MB)


Volume 2, Issue 2 (pdf, 0.90MB)

Volume 2, Issue 1 (pdf, 1.39MB)


Volume 1, Issue 1 (pdf, 1.71MB)

 Individual articles 

OTB Forum 1(1), Autumn 2008

Takahashi, M. (2008). Du Mu's poems about the frontier regions: With reference to the compilation of collections of his writing and his descriptions of He Huang. (0.61MB pdf)

Bode, J. (2008). Translation: The (re-) creation of a source text into a target text. (0.50MB pdf)

Matsumoto, Y. (2008). My time at Temple University Japan.  (0.45MB pdf)

Kikuchi, N. (2008). English skills made in Japan: An English learning method which changed my English ability. ( 0.45MB pdf)

Rude, M, & Rupp, T. (2008). Vergissmeinnicht / forget-me-not: An Internet-based, free vocabulary training software. ( 0.57MB pdf)

Lebowitz, A. J. (2008). The Star Spangled Banner on the shamisen: A teaching guide. (0.46MB pdf)

Stillar, S. (2008). EFL writing in the wired era using Myspace to build a learner-centered online classroom community. (1.14MB pdf)

Okada, K. (2008). Uzbekistan: My dear Islamic country. (0.51MB pdf)

Takeishi, A. (2008). A tale of one city. (0.45MB pdf)

Cubeta, C. (2008). Reasons to study abroad: Stories from travel and learning overseas. (0.46MB pdf)

Sakaguchi, M. (2008). Students as researchers: Part 2. (0.47MB pdf)

Elwood, C. K. (2008). Tis stormy, stormy weather in the forecast. (0.44MB pdf)

MacLean, W. (2008). A gadget for stars. (0.44MB pdf)

Ishihara, M. (2008). The mysterious gift. (0.45MB pdf)

Koakutsu, K. (2008). Book review of Solving the Equation of Your Destiny (0.45MB pdf)

OTB Forum 2(1), Spring 2009

Rainey, M. (2009). Emory Douglas and the art of revolution. (0.50MB pdf)

Bode, J. (2009). Translation strategies for Japanese: Reconsidering Chesterman's theory on translation strategies. (0.53MB pdf)

Elwood, J. A. (2009). Conrad's avatar: Group membership and authorial intent. (0.37MB pdf)

Kambayashi, H., & Rude, M. (2009). A comparison of electronic dictionaries from different perspectives. (0.97MB pdf)

Murata, Y. (2009). My travel in Korea. (0.47MB)

Sakaguchi, M., Murata, N., Wong, H. W., Takemoto, K., & Sakamoto, A. (2009). Haiku and senryû in German. (0.51MB pdf)

Acosta, L. (2009). Aurora. (0.33MB pdf)

Takahashi, Y. (2009). Kirschblüten in waka poems. (0.49MB pdf)

Lebowitz, A. J. (2009). Son. (0.47MB pdf)

Hassan, H. S. M. (2009). Arctic ice. (0.34MB pdf)

Nfor, S. (2009). Book review of 'Beyond Boundaries' (0.35MB pdf)

Morikawa, M. (2009). Movie review of 'Baruto no Gakuen' (0.35MB pdf)

Murata, N. (2009). Movie review of 'The Edukators' (0.35MB pdf)

Kakunou, A. (2009). Movie review of 'Lola Rennt' (0.33MB pdf)

OTB Forum 2(2), Autumn 2009

Okada, K. (2009). Japan upside down. (1.70MB pdf)

Bode, J. (2009). Translation strategies for Japanese 2: Revisiting Chesterman's theory on translation strategies. (0.50MB pdf)

Spang, C. W. (2009). 1970s terrorism goes cinema: A comparative view of "The Baader Meinhof Complex" (Der Baader-Heinhof Komplex) and "United Red Army" (実録-連合赤軍: あさま山荘への道) (0.58MB pdf)

Cole, J. C. (2009). Sunken treasures. (0.53MB pdf)

Schaaf, J., & Rude, M. (2009). Eine Routenbeschreibung für die Besteigung des Fuji in einer authentischen E-Mail [A Route description for climbing Mount Fuji in an authentic email]. (0.45MB)

Kenny, S. (2009). Un continuo caminar [Walking on the Camino]. (0.45MB pdf)

Lebowitz, A. J. (2009). Nokorimono blues. (0.46MB pdf)



Acosta, L. (2009). Bear trap. (0.44MB pdf)

Kubozono, A. (2009). Sky sky sky. (0.44MB pdf)

Tani, N. (2009). Die Brücke. (0.44MB pdf)

Matsumoto, Y, & MacLean, G. R.(2009). Thank you, Yuki. (0.45MB pdf)

Fukano, S. (2009). Movie review of 'Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer. (0.44MB pdf)

Yuki Matsumoto's video:

OTB Forum 3(1), Autumn 2010

Bode, J. (2010). Translation strategies in praxis with text examples from Japanese. (0.74MB pdf)

Fujii, K. (2010). Developing inter cultural competence in beginning Japanese courses: The case of one Japanese as a foreign language environment. (0.30MB pdf)

Racine, J. (2010). Tidbits from the corpus: Why corpora are the language teacher's friends. (0.22MB pdf)

Kenny, S. (2010). Pointing to the moon: Teaching religious studies as a second language course. (0.21MB pdf)

Nagata, S. (2010). Come sail away. (0.20MB pdf)

Anonymous. (2010). The doomstead. (0.19MB pdf)

Nagashiro, S. (2010). A fallen thing. (0.31MB pdf)

Davidson, G. (2010). A cornucopia of colour: Rainbow Fuji and HDR imagery. (0.63MB pdf)

Kuwabara, R. (2010). Mt. Fuji. (0.20MB pdf)

Lebowitz, A. J. (2010). Take back your name! (Torimodose!) (0.20MB pdf)

 Click the triangles to listen: 

Acosta, L. (2010). Sea of walls. (0.20MB pdf)

Methuselah, J. (2010). The lens-less spectacles. (0.18MB pdf)

Shimizu, N. (2010). Another world on my bookshelf. (0.21MB pdf)

MacLean, W. (2010). Mistakes and blessings. (0.22MB pdf)

OTB Forum 4(1), Autumn 2011

Discussing geopolitics [special section]. (0.88MB pdf; includes the following four articles)

Spang, C. W. (2011). Prologue: The origins of geopolitical thinking. (0.26MB pdf)

Spang, C. W., & Milovanovic, I. (2011). An introduction to early 20th century geopolitics. (0.25MB pdf)

Aizawa, N., & Spang, C. W. (2011). The pivot moves eastward: Mackinder and the Okinawa problem. (0.51MB pdf)

Tussupov, N., Spang, C. W., & Kuanish, B. (2011). Civilizations in international relations: Huntington's theory of conflict. (0.22MB pdf)

Bode, J. (2011). Pragmatic translation choices using Etsuo Iijima's "On the concept of the universal Ki-energy". (0.19MB pdf)

Racine, J. (2011). Loanword association and processes. (0.22MB pdf)

Mori, S. (2011). The language of young people and its implications for teaching. (0.25MB pdf)

Kenny, S. (2011). Teaching creative writing in an ESL context. (0.63MB pdf)

Hughes, M. (2011). Collaboration using sentence strips. (0.06MB pdf)

Nagata, S. (2010). Travel outside the box. (0.42MB pdf)

Amornwanichsarn, P. (2011). Bangkok: The city beyond belief (0.20MB pdf)

Nishimura, Y. (2011). Snow, snow, snow (0.13MB pdf)

OTB Forum 5(1), Autumn 2012

Davis, G. M. (2012). The implications of the lingua franca core for pronunciation on the Japanese ELT context. (0.19MB pdf)

Mahmadov, S., & Arzumetova, D. (2012). Defining geopolitics: Western and Russian perspectives in comparison. (0.20MB pdf)

Gebrauchsanweisung Japan - A Japan Manual [special section]. (0.98MB pdf; includes the following nine articles)

Spang, C. W. (2012). Prologue: Gebrauchsanweisung Japan - A Japan Manual. (0.63MB pdf)

Omori, A. W. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Mangakissa“" (0.26MB pdf)

Sato, R. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Manga“ (0.63MB pdf)

Kobayashi, T., & Spang, C. W. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Anime“. (0.60MB pdf)

Onizuka, T. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Juku“: Nach der Schule is vor der Juku. Das Lernen nimmt kein Ende. (0.62MB pdf)

Sasai, A. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Baseball-Kultur“ (0.61MB pdf)

Liu, Z. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Japanishes Essen (Washoku)“ (0.66MB pdf)

Hori, M. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Das Sumida Feuerwerk“ (0.64MB pdf)

Tamura, O. (2012). Gebrauchsanweisung „Das japanishe Neujahr“ (0.62MB pdf)


Bode, J. (2012). Literature in class and outside class: A case study in a dual function of the Sherlock Holmes canon. (1.10MB pdf)

Kawabata, M. (2012). Trip to Turkey. (0.22MB pdf)

Racine, J. (2012). The earthquake diaries. (0.89MB pdf)

Spang, C. W. (2012). Das moderne Japan 1868-1952 by Gerhard Krebs. Reviewed by Christian W. Spang. (0.24MB pdf)

OTB Forum 6(1), Autumn 2013

Numadate, J. L. (2013). Estuary English and received pronunciation: Wot's the difference? (0.29MB pdf)

Stillar, S., & York, J. (2013). Unfair advantage: Insight into attitudes toward diversity at an English conversation competition in Japan. (pdf)


Rückblick auf das Lektorenfachseminar 2013 [special section]. (pdf; includes the following eight articles)

Hayashi-Mähner, E. (2013). Prologue: Mehr als Sprache: Kompetenzen vermitteln im DaF-Unterricht in Japan. (pdf)

Lektorenfachseminar 2013, Plenarbeiträge und -Workshops in chronologischer Reihenfolge des Seminarablaufs

Hayashi-Mähner, E. (2013). Nonverbalik im Zusammenhang mit dem Deutschunterricht japanisch deuten. (pdf)

Rude, M. (2013). Nonverbalik durch Theaterspiele erfahren - Ein Workshop mit Peter Gössner. (pdf)

Baron, P. (2013). Wirtschaftsbezug und Arbeitsplatzkompetenz (pdf)

Im Rahmen der AG2 gehaltene Referate: Nonverbales Verhalten unter Berücksichtigung interkultureller Aspekte

Hunke, M. (2013). Gruppenpräsentationen im „kamishibai“-Stil (pdf)

Rude, M. (2013). Abbau von Sprechhemmungen im DaF-Unterricht durch Gesang, Vortrag und spontanes Sprechen (pdf)

Hayashi-Mähner, E. (2013). Unterrichtsverhalten interkulturell: Erwartungshaltung deutschsprachiger Lehrkräfte versus Enkulturation japanischer Studierender (pdf)

Hayashi-Mähner, E. (2013). Ausflug in den nahegelegenen „Park“, unter anderem zwecks erster Gedanken bezüglich Stimmbildung (pdf)


MacLean, G. R. (2013). A faster start-up before class: Hyperlinks, bookmarks, and the freeze image button. (pdf)

Wilson, N. (2013). I am born again. (pdf)

Wilson, N. (2013). graffiti. (pdf)

OTB Forum 7(1), Spring 2015 (in press)

Bode, J. (2015). A case of (mistaken?) identity: The authorship controversy surrounding the Sherlock Holmes canon. (pdf - advance online publication)

Spang, C. W. (2015). Recollections of a Jewish-German businessman in early Shōwa Japan. (pdf - advance online publication)

Fujii, K. (2015). Using blog-based communication to prepare for study abroad. pdf - advance online publication)

O'Neill, G. (2015). Content and language-integrated learning and English as a medium of instruction.

Nagata, S. (2015). Lifelong English learning motivation and identity: A case study. (pdf - advance online publication)


Teaching Idea from OkiJALT [special section].

MacLean, G. R. (2015). Teaching the s-morpheme.

Ackermann, K. (2015). Where should I go? Encouraging learners to put their place into learning.

Uza, T. (2015). Thoughts on vocabulary intrusion and cultural fragmentation in Japan.

Bradley, M. (2015). A communicative way to teach article use. (pdf - advance online publication)

Fewell, N. (2015). Using the pecha-kucha format for presentation activities. (pdf - advance online publication)

Kohatsu, F. (2015). Aprendizaje y Fijacion de los Verbos Regulares en Espanol: Una Idea Mas. (pdf - advance online publication)

Kuckelman, M. (2015). *Welcome to Nago* website: A sophomore English writing project. (pdf - advance online publication)

Uza, K. (2015). A focus on functional language.

Kelly, T. (2015). Psychological considerations in teaching. (pdf - advance online publication)


Wright, B. (2015). What are my students thinking? Setting up an online survey to gather student feedback. (pdf - advance online publication)

MacLean, G. R. (2015). The text-to-speech function.

OTB Forum 8(1), 2015 (in press)

Matsuhashi, Y. (2015). Pragmatics of politeness.

Rios, J. D. R. (2015). Politeness and request via email.

Lhamo, T. (2015). Mass media and its impact on children in Bhutan.

Bode, J. (2015). Sherlock Holmes humor in translation.

Hamdard, H. (2015). My Facebook World.

Fujii, K., & Inoguchi, E. (2015). Teaching: ESL/EFL and JSL/JFL teachers' attitudes in comparative perspective.

Rode, T. (2015). Content, language, and LiveCode: Design considerations for a World Studies application.

Krill, J. (2015). Google apps for education: Frm initialization to implementation.

Nagata, S. (2015). Smile tourism.
Date last updated: April 8, 2015
Copyright 2015 by The OTB Forum.