Thanks for visiting, everyone. Here you'll find some maps that our students have created--browse and enjoy all you'd like!
筑波学院大学キャンパスマップ (Tsukuba Gakuin campus map)
アリゾナ大学キャンパスマップ(JPN415, Fall09)
アリゾナ大学キャンパスマップ(JPN 101 Spring 10 Sec1)
Cool Campus Buildings: Visiting Students Guide (Spring 09)
Tsukuba campus map (Thursday, 1st period)
Tsukuba campus map (Thursday, 3rd period)
Mito area map (Tokiwa, 3rd period)
Mito area map (Tokiwa, 4th period
World Map, (Tokiwa 4th period)Classroom handout on making a Google Map (Kiyomi)
Another classroom handout on making a Google Map (Jim)